ProgramixGenericLib v5.0.1

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Value
com.programix.gui.text Customized JTextField's for integer, decimal (money), and date input and other graphical text utilities. 
com.programix.math Various containers and tools for dealing with numbers and math (including parsing and formatting). 
com.programix.saxplus SAXPlus tools to simplify SAX-based XML parsing. 
com.programix.time Various containers and tools for dealing with dates and times (including parsing and formatting). 
com.programix.value The Value framework for encapsulating "values" generically in a way that they can be coerced into other types. 

Uses of Value in com.programix.da2.bridge

Methods in com.programix.da2.bridge that return Value
 Value DABridgeSession.getSessionValue(String sessionStoreKey)

Uses of Value in com.programix.gui.text

Fields in com.programix.gui.text declared as Value
protected  Value FormatField.emptyReplacement
protected  Value FormatField.value

Methods in com.programix.gui.text that return Value
protected  Value FormatField.approveValue(Value proposedValue)
          Gives subclasses a chance to approved the proposed new value.
protected  Value IntegerField.approveValue(Value proposedValue)
 Value FormatField.getEmptyReplacement()
          Returns the current Value to substitute when the proposed value is empty.
 Value FormatField.getValue()
          Returns the current contents of the field as a Value.

Methods in com.programix.gui.text with parameters of type Value
protected  Value FormatField.approveValue(Value proposedValue)
          Gives subclasses a chance to approved the proposed new value.
protected  Value IntegerField.approveValue(Value proposedValue)
 void FormatField.setEmptyReplacement(Value newEmptyReplacement)
          Specifies the Value to substitute when the proposed value is empty.
 void IntegerField.setValidRangeEnd(Value newEnd)
          Changes the end of the valid range.
 void IntegerField.setValidRangeStart(Value newStart)
          Changes the start of the valid range.
 void FormatField.setValue(Value newValue)
          Specifies the value to display and notifies any value listeners if there is a visible change in the value.
 void IntegerField.RangePair.setValues(Value loValue, Value hiValue)
          Allows both the values to be set together as this might be necessary to allow them to both successfully be set.

Constructors in com.programix.gui.text with parameters of type Value
FormatField(int maxColumnCount, int visibleColumnCount, String validInputChar, Value initialValue)
FormatField(int maxColumnCount, String validInputChar, Value initialValue)
FormatField(int maxColumnCount, Value initialValue)
IntegerField(IntegerRange validRange, Value initialValue)

Uses of Value in com.programix.math

Methods in com.programix.math that return Value
 Value DecimalRange.getEndValue()
          Returns the end of this range as a Value.
 Value IntegerRange.getEndValue()
          Returns the end of this range as a Value.
 Value LongRange.getEndValue()
          Returns the end of this range as a Value.
 Value DecimalRange.getStartValue()
          Returns the start of this range as a Value.
 Value IntegerRange.getStartValue()
          Returns the start of this range as a Value.
 Value LongRange.getStartValue()
          Returns the start of this range as a Value.
static Value DecimalTools.parseValue(String source)
          Permissively parses the passed String into a Value that if not empty, wraps an instance of BigDecimal.

Methods in com.programix.math with parameters of type Value
 DecimalRange DecimalRange.setEnd(Value newEnd)
          Returns a new instance with the specified newEnd value and this instance's start value.
 IntegerRange IntegerRange.setEnd(Value newEnd)
          Returns a new instance with the specified newEnd value and this instance's start value.
 LongRange LongRange.setEnd(Value newEnd)
          Returns a new instance with the specified newEnd value and this instance's start value.
 DecimalRange DecimalRange.setStart(Value newStart)
          Returns a new instance with the specified newStart value and this instance's end value.
 IntegerRange IntegerRange.setStart(Value newStart)
          Returns a new instance with the specified newStart value and this instance's end value.
 LongRange LongRange.setStart(Value newStart)
          Returns a new instance with the specified newStart value and this instance's end value.

Constructors in com.programix.math with parameters of type Value
DecimalRange(Value start, Value end)
          Creates a new instance with the specified start and end values.
IntegerRange(Value start, Value end)
          Creates a new instance with the specified start and end values.
LongRange(Value start, Value end)
          Creates a new instance with the specified start and end values.

Uses of Value in com.programix.saxplus

Methods in com.programix.saxplus that return Value
 Value BaseTagHandler.getResult()
          This implementation returns ValueFactory.NULL_INSTANCE.
 Value SimpleTagHandler.getResult()
 Value TagHandler.getResult()
          Called after endTag()to retrieve the results of the processing of this tag (and all of its sub tags).
 Value Attribute.getValue()
          Returns the value of this attribute.
 Value SAXPlusProcessor.process(InputSource source)
 Value SAXPlusProcessor.process(InputSource source, boolean namespaceAware, boolean validating)
 Value SAXPlusProcessor.process(String source)
 Value SAXPlusProcessor.process(String source, boolean namespaceAware, boolean validating)
 Value SAXPlusProcessor.process(XMLReader reader, InputSource source)
 Value SAXPlusProcessor.process(XMLReader reader, String source)

Methods in com.programix.saxplus with parameters of type Value
 void BaseTagHandler.endSubTag(NameDetail subTagName, Value subTagResult)
 void TagHandler.endSubTag(NameDetail subTagName, Value subTagResult)
          Called after a sub tag has completed.
 void BaseTagHandler.text(Value tagText)
 void SimpleTagHandler.text(Value tagText)
 void TagHandler.text(Value tagText)
          Delivers textual content within this tag.

Uses of Value in com.programix.time

Methods in com.programix.time that return Value
 Value DateTimeRange.getEndValue()
          Returns the end of this range as a Value.
 Value PlainDateRange.getEndValue()
          Returns the end of this range as a Value.
 Value DateTimeRange.getStartValue()
          Returns the start of this range as a Value.
 Value PlainDateRange.getStartValue()
          Returns the start of this range as a Value.

Methods in com.programix.time with parameters of type Value
 PlainDateRange PlainDateRange.setEnd(Value newEnd)
          Returns a new instance with the specified newEnd date and this instance's start date.
 PlainDateRange PlainDateRange.setStart(Value newStart)
          Returns a new instance with the specified newStart date and this instance's end date.

Constructors in com.programix.time with parameters of type Value
PlainDateRange(Value start, Value end)
          Creates a new instance with the specified start and end dates.

Uses of Value in com.programix.value

Classes in com.programix.value that implement Value
 class AbstractValue
          A simple partial implementation of Value.

Fields in com.programix.value declared as Value
static Value ValueFactory.NULL_INSTANCE
          A fixed, shareable Value that represents an internal value of null.
static Value ValueFactory.ZERO_LEN_STRING_INSTANCE
          A fixed, shareable Value that represents an internal value of a zero-length String.

Methods in com.programix.value that return Value
static Value ValueFactory.create(BigDecimal value)
          Creates a instance encapsulating the specified value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(byte[] data)
          Creates a instance encapsulating the specified byte[] value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(DateTime dateTime)
          Creates a instance encapsulating the specified DateTime value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(double value)
          Creates a new Value encapsulating the specified double value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(int value)
          Creates a new Value encapsulating the specified int value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(long value)
          Creates a new Value encapsulating the specified long value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(Number value)
          Creates a instance encapsulating the specified value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(Object value)
          Creates a instance encapsulating the specified value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(PlainDate plainDate)
          Creates a instance encapsulating the specified PlainDate value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(String rawString)
          Creates a instance encapsulating the specified String value.
static Value ValueFactory.create(String rawString, String trimmedString)
          Creates a instance encapsulating the specified String value.
 Value ValueMap.get(String key)
          Retrieves the Value mapped to the specified key or null if there is no such key.
 Value ValueMap.getOptional(String key, Value defaultValue)
          Returns the Value mapped to the specified key or if nothing is mapped to the key, defaultValue is returned.
 Value ValueMap.getRequired(String key)
          Returns the Value mapped to the specified key or if nothing is mapped to the key, ValueMapRequiredKeyException is thrown.
 Value ValueMap.put(String key, int value)
          Stores (and possibly replaces) a key-value pair.
 Value ValueMap.put(String key, long value)
          Stores (and possibly replaces) a key-value pair.
 Value ValueMap.put(String key, Number value)
          Stores (and possibly replaces) a key-value pair.
 Value ValueMap.put(String key, Object value)
          Stores (and possibly replaces) a key-value pair.
 Value ValueMap.put(String key, String value)
          Stores (and possibly replaces) a key-value pair.
 Value ValueMap.put(String key, Value value)
          Stores (and possibly replaces) a key-value pair.
 Value ValueMap.putPair(String keyValuePair)
          Adds an entry to the map.
 Value ValueMap.remove(String key)
          Removes the key-value pair stored under the specified key.

Methods in com.programix.value that return types with arguments of type Value
 Map<String,Value> ValueMap.getMapView()
          Returns a read-only view of all the mappings as a Map.

Methods in com.programix.value with parameters of type Value
 Value ValueMap.getOptional(String key, Value defaultValue)
          Returns the Value mapped to the specified key or if nothing is mapped to the key, defaultValue is returned.
 Value ValueMap.put(String key, Value value)
          Stores (and possibly replaces) a key-value pair.

ProgramixGenericLib v5.0.1

Copyright © 2001-2009 Programix Incorporated. All rights reserved. ProgramixGenericLib is free and is OSI Certified Open Source Software under the BSD license.